Sustainability & Environment


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Our Philosophy
Better Business, Brighter Future

Brillare believes in contributing to a better future for our environment through use of sustainable business practices to minimise our ecological footprint and have a positive effect on the ecosystems around us.

We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to look out for future generations by respecting and maintaining our beautiful Australian environment.

Brillare is committed to ensuring that the environmental aspects and impacts that may result from the organisation's activities, products and services that may have an effect on air, water, land, and waste are managed and controlled.

Environmental Efforts
Working With Our Clients

  • LED Lighting: We help our clients switch to more environmentally friendly LED lighting options, reducing energy consumption, and reducing carbon footprint in the process.
  • Solar: We provide and install solar heating systems, facilitating the shift to more sustainable options that do not contribute harmful gases or wastes to the environment.
  • Install Electric vehicle charge stations: We’re making it easier and more practical to drive environmentally friendly cars by installing more charging stations for electrical and hybrid cars.
Environmental Efforts
Our Business Operations

  • Office: In our office, we make concerted efforts to minimise printing and paper use. We rely on soft-copies and technology for our administration practices where possible.
  • Only LED lights showroom: in our showroom we have made sure that all our displays use LED lighting to reduce our energy consumption and therefore our ecological footprint.
  • Reduced environmental footprint: we ensure that the environmental impacts that result from the organisations activities are managed and controlled, including effects on air, water and land.
  • Environmental Policies: We have a set of policies which our whole team is thoroughly trained in, ensuring that sustainability is focal to each team member in all our business practices.
  • On the roads: We make a conscious effort to minimise our Vans geo footprint and schedule our jobs with travel emissions in mind.
Environmental Policy

Brillare Electrical is committed to ensuring that the environmental aspects and impacts that may result from the organisation's activities, products and services that may have an effect on air, water, land and waste are managed and controlled.

Our teams actions in relation to the above will take into account reasonably anticipated events such as spillages, plant breakdowns or inclement weather that could affect day to day activities.

The control measures and management actions will include, but not be limited to
consideration of:

  • Client requirements
  • Site/project specific environmental policy
  • Site/project specific consent conditions
  • Issues arising from site/project specific environmental impact
  • Project assessments
  • Specific undertakings
  • Pollution control
  • Statutory obligations
How To Live More Sustainably
Shop Smarter
Try stick to your shopping list and don’t over-buy. This will not only save you money, it will also reduce waste which will contribute to environmental damage
No Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles are not only unhealthy to drink out of, but of course they are bad for the environment. Invest in a good quality, reusable bottle for yourself and the environment. Limiting plastic in general is a wise decision.
If possible, composting is a great way to improve your garden and get your family involved in eco-friendly habits
Choose Sustainable Businesses
Choose to take your business to sustainable companies which take responsibility for their environmental impact.
Choose to support sustainable businesses today, Call Brillare Electrical!
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